The Beauty of Birth - 2022 International Association of Professional Birth Photographers Photo Competition
895 images submitted from 266 people in 24 different countries. IAPBP has existed for over 12 years
“She Roars” / Best in Birth Details - Black and White / Gold Award
Judge Feedback
“I really love the angle the photographer has chosen to capture this image and I love the black and white conversion. The title of this image evokes a sense of a birthing person roaring or yelling yet that doesn't reflect what is happening in this photo which detracts from the overall impact that this has.”
“I really love this BW conversion... it is perfectly balanced. The perspective is bold, I know the photographer had to crouch down to get the angle achieved. It took me a while to realize the tattooed arm does not belong to the birthing person, but the support person behind them. So I do wish for a bit more context there. That said it left me lingering on the image which says something.“ ~ Leilani Rogers
“This is such a powerful image I can literally feel!!”
Peer Feedback
“This is excellent! Amazing use of black and white, phenomenal detail shot. Great work!”
“What a great perspective - I can feel the fight or flight here. Nice Work! - Amanda Ditzel
“Held” / Honorable Mention / Silver Award
Judge Feedback
“Such a beautiful interaction between this couple. Cropping in a little from the right would have removed some of the distractions of the white sheets.”
“Gosh this is beautiful. Stunning BW conversion! Consistent tonal range. I love it.” ~ Leilani Rogers
“What a powerful photo! I can feel these emotions coming through!”
Peer Feedback
“The tattoo - it looks like her, pregnant. What a fun detail to have her also in the image with baby!” - Amanda Ditzel
“What a stunningly captured moment. Beautiful. - Krystie Brooke Photography
Click below to read more about this love centered birth story.
“Absolute Joy” / Honorable Mention / Silver Award
Judge Feedback
“The chaos and things happening in this image are fantastic!! Especially given the baby is eyeballing the camera. Great capture. Only critique is to try not to cut off your subjects head.”
“Oh my gosh. I love this. Such a real moment there with the glasses! Well done. I'd suggest cooling down the image a bit overall. ~ Leilani Rogers
“I love this so much - everything going on, the glasses, the smiles behind the masks! So much is captured in one frame!
Peer Feedback
“Her glasses! I can't help but smile and feel their joy! Well done.” Brittany Knapik
Click below to read more about her birth story.
“That Moment” / Top 10% of Images / Bronze Award
Judge Feedback
“I'm not sure the title helps here as its is pretty unclear exactly what "that moment" relates to other than that the baby has just been place on her chest (which is a guess). Beautiful moment captured, I just feel that to get a better result, it needed something more....more story, more emotion, unique angle. I would have loved to see more of the parent's faces.”
“Wow. Beautiful! Baby's head needs a little dodging. I realize that may be bruising but it looks like it got missed. Love all the repetition of circles with the arms around baby, the post party belly, the heads... well done! ~ Leilani Rogers
“HBAC Redemption” / Top 10% of Images / Bronze Award
Judge Feedback
“Great moment captured. This may have been better in BW as the red torch is really distracting. Also watch the clipping of your blacks. they are really heavy here and some detail is lost as a result.
“This is a wonderful image. I would like to see the parents centered a bit more, as well as the shadows bumped a bit not he left side where the support people are.Baby is so crisp! That is sometimes a tough shot as they break the surface of the water and there is so much more movement. Well done! ~ Leilani Rogers
“His Turn” / Top 20% of Images
Judge Feedback
“I love the colors in this image so much! Especially the lights in the water.
Click below to read more about this incredible HBAC (Homebirth after Cesarean) birth.
“Twins in Transit” / Top 20%
Judge Feedback
“The perspective here is incredible!”
“Really unique perspective! Love the story this composition and perspective tells! Also great work not getting yourself in the reflection.”
Peer Feedback
“Hands down, the best perspective shift ever! I will never walk into another elevator without wondering how I can use the mirrored ceiling. Everything about this makes me want to grab my camera and get to work!” Brittany Knapik
“Outstanding capture!”
“Fantastic image. Seriously well thought out and executed. A very close runner up for my favorite, way to go!”
Then there are a couple of images that I submitted that received great feedback from the community, but didn’t quite make it to receive an award. I still wanted to share them with you as I find the feedback fascinating and am always striving to learn and grow from this process.
“The Aftermath”
Judge Feedback
“I love this. Sometimes birth involves so many more things that we realize and this photo gives a perfect glimpse into a few of those.”
“Those blood drops! So good!”
Peer Feedback
“This is a really cool and REAL shot. I love it. Pure documentary. Excellent work! Choosing you for Members Choice. I think details like this can be underrated but I truly value it and the shot and edit are excellent. Great work!
“Great details shot
“Beautiful storytelling image! - Amanda Ditzel
Judge Feedback
“What a sweet baby! I love the vibrant colors of baby contrasted again the blanket!”
“I love the creative use of composition and the sweet details of babies face. The contrasting blue on the edge really brings my eyes into the subject.”
Peer Feedback
“Love that creative crop!”
“Beautiful colours here!”