Fast VBAC-2 at Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center in Denver, CO
This mama was ready to meet her baby and she must have known that her body was ready as well. She only needed a touch of pitocin before her body took over with strong and consistent contractions. Ones that surprised all of us as dad was texting letting me know that they were ready for my support. There is something pretty special about getting in your car to head to a birth when the majority of the world is still nestled in their beds, their days not yet started. The air is quiet and just a touch cool. The drive is easy and allows me to get into the right head and heart space before entering the birth room. I arrived to their room and mom was on all fours on the bed while her husband gently coached her with encouraging words, reminding her of her strength, and sweet loving caresses on her back. I slid into my doula voice on the other side doing the same thing. She needed to use the restroom and I saw bloody show when she got up. She mentioned she was feeling pressure so I got the nurse. They offered her a cervical exam and she was nine centimeters. Before long she was pushing and the doctor let her husband assist in catching their baby. This first image is taken right after he announced the big surprise….IT’S A GIRL!!