Monet's Birth - Denver Center for Birth and Wellness
I hired Monet to document the birth of my second child, Olivia, in 2016. When we met, the photographer in me was like a giddy school child. She showed me gallery after gallery of the most amazing and stunning and gorgeous art I had ever seen. There are not many moments in life where you KNOW the moment things shifted in your heart, mind and soul. But sitting there with Monet, at one of her favorite little Denver coffee shops, was one of those moments.
Our photographer/client relationship quickly morphed into a friendship, which to this day, is an invaluable one to me. She introduced me to Birth Becomes Her, a phenomenal resource for aspiring and experienced Professional Birth Photographers. She inspired me to attend their first in-person Certification Workshop, my daughter was 3 months old and we literally had to scramble to make it work for our family. This is where I met Jennifer Mason - together Monet and Jenn are the Co-Founders of Birth Becomes Her and were the Instructors of the course - and once again, my world shifted. I had found my calling.
Over the years, my friendship with Monet and Jenn strengthened and they invited me to become an administrator for Birth Becomes Her where I continue to learn so much about birth, photography, business, and this phenomenal community.
When Monet announced her pregnancy and asked if I would consider joining her team of documentarians and artists, I was beyond thrilled. Jennifer Mason, Rebecca Walsh, Keziah Kelsey, Whitney Milton, are just a few of the talented artists that have documented this birth or the postpartum stages and to be included among them was a huge honor.
My focus was primarily on videography of the birth, but I was able to sneak in a few stills of which I truly love.

Hi Friends! My name is Lindsey Eden. I am a Birth Photographer & Videographer and a Birth & Postpartum Doula serving Denver, Colorado and surrounding areas.
I am social, love connecting with new people, talking birth, laughter and will probably have my camera in hand (or close by) if we meet in person.
This work is my calling. This is my bliss. I would be honored to connect with you and support you along this journey.