Seasons Birth Center, Thornton, Colorado: The Birth of Lola
Unmedicated birth at Seasons Midwifery & Birth Center, Thornton, CO.
Strong, Single, Blind Mother Births Her Second Son with the Midwives at Denver Health
This strong, single, blind mother requested to “see” her baby as he crowned, reaching down to feel. And when the time came, he decided to enter this world with one push the midwives at Denver Health helped her catch him, bringing him up to her chest with grace. He instinctually nestled into her chest and reached up to touch her face, her nose, her lips as she exclaimed, “YES, that is my face!”
National Midwifery Week 2019
It is 2019’s National Midwifery Week (#NMW2019) and I have spent the last several days looking through some of the most incredible images of midwives walking the journey with birthing families. Reading some of the most empowering, ovary-throbbing and tear-jerking birth stories you could imagine.
Postpartum Rice Porridge at The Birth Center of Boulder
Food can have astounding healing powers to the body, spirit and soul. In addition to its nourishing aspects, it has now become a traditional and familiar part of their story. A detail that will so deeply be engrained in their memories that as they move through their lives, raising their children, the moment they smell it again they will instantly be brought back to these two transformational days. Days where their worlds turned on its axis and their family grew.