Seasons Birth Center, Thornton, Colorado: The Birth of Lola
It is my absolute favorite thing to share birth stories as written by the birthing person themselves. This one is especially unique as my colleague, Katie Torres with Your Story Denver, and I were both invited to document the birth of sweet baby Lola…who also happens to be celebrating her first birthday today!
As January 31st rolled around, I began to feel discouraged that my body knew how to put itself into spontaneous labor. I carried my son to 41& 6 and I was now 41& 2 with my daughter. I was feeling discouraged, but had the support and encouragement from so many. I knew it would be our time soon. I kept telling myself “she is so safe in there”, “she will be that much stronger when she comes out”, “I trust my baby and my body, they know what to do”.
The morning of February 1st rolled around, and I woke up with a sense of calm, not filled with the worries and discouragement I was feeling the day before. My husband encouraged me to stay in bed and relax while he cooked a HUGE breakfast, I was willing and able to eat it all. I bounced vigorously on my birth ball while he finished up the cooking. I swear I could feel her move lower with every bounce.
After breakfast we decided to do our usual neighborhood walk that I had been doing everyday sometimes twice a day. Halfway through that walk I felt the strongest urge to just be home. Once home I decided to get in the tub as I was starting to feel some pressure waves, and I wanted to see if this was the real deal. I sat in the tub for about an hour, and pressure waves continued. Still skeptical I went ahead and sent a message to my birth team that this could be the real deal. As soon as I sat on the bed after the tub, and took the five minutes it takes for an overly pregnant woman to get comfortable I lost my mucus plug. I promptly told my husband this was it and we should start to get ready. He brushed it off and thought we had time, continuing to play trucks with our son. I let a few moments go by before asking him to get both of them showered and ready to go, by the time they were dressed and ready my pressure waves were INTENSE and probably 3-1-1.
After an hour long and trying car ride we arrived at the amazing Seasons Midwifery & Birth Center, greeted by my best friend Jasmin to look after our son, Lindsey, Katie, and my midwife (also Katie😉). I could not even walk through the door without stopping for a pressure wave. Once inside I wanted to be checked immediately. I believe I was far along, 7cm or 8cm maybe, don’t quite remember. I do not recall much more about my birthing time other than I was trying ALL the positions and nothing seemed to feel right until I was on all fours on the bed. I could hear the support of my birth team, helping and calming me. As Lola was ready to finally come to the other side I had no more patience and pushed that girl out as fast as I could. Someone once told me “everyone wishes for a fast labor, until they have one” I can relate to this. My girl came into this world quickly and demanding of my undivided attention, something I hope she carries all through her life.

Seeing my daughter and witnessing what we had just accomplished together is a glow I wish for every birthing person to experience. It truly is a miracle and our bodies are magic. I am so grateful for the team I had supporting me and the beautiful images and videos I have from Lindsey and Katie. My son in particular LOVES to watch the video of his baby sister coming into the world.