Redemptive Home Birth, Denver, CO
There is not much that is sweeter than a past client calling you the moment they pee on a stick to let you know they are expecting another little baby. Kelly’s birthing history was full of learning, growth, heartache, beauty, and now…a third girl! When her and her husband, Adam, invited me to join their birth team for their second baby, it was then that she shared with me her desires for a VBAC after experiencing a fairly traumatic emergency cesarean birth with her first. Her VBAC was a success, but not without some additional and different trauma. So when she shared with me that they were wanting to explore a home birth this time, I was thrilled and immediately knew who to recommend. Not every midwife is for every family and having worked with many in the Denver area, I knew Shari and Robin with Peace, Love & Shari were, in fact, the perfect pairing.
Kelly had experienced prodromal labor (more commonly known as ‘false labor’, but there is nothing false about it!) a couple of weeks before. So when her labor began on this beautiful summer morning, she was feeling a little doubtful. However, I could hear something different in her voice so I headed her way. She was laboring peacefully and beautifully (with a gorgeous smile on her face) when I arrived. My family has become close with hers and it truly felt like such a magical experience to be witnessing the growth of her family yet again and this time in the comfort of their home.
Their girls woke up and had a little breakfast with mama before heading out with their grandma for the day. Adam and I started to set up the birthing pool and called Shari and Robin to let them know it was time!

As is not uncommon, once the midwives arrived, Kelly’s labor kicked in to full gear and we could all feel that baby would be joining us soon! She got into the water and moved around looking for a ‘comfortable’ position. Adam decided to jump in with her and she settled into his embrace as her baby began to descend. I love this series of images as you can see the entire birth team patiently waited and encouraged her verbally and emotionally. Hands off and guiding mom to bring her baby up to her chest on her own.

And she is here. In their arms. In their living room. Kelly got her HBAC and without putting words in her mouth, it felt absolutely redemptive and glorious. Her mom had her twin sister on FaceTime for the entire birth, so both were able to witness the newest family member’s first breaths.
Kelly birthed her placenta which was placed in a bowl and floated in the water. It is common for home birth midwives to really protect the golden hour of gentleness immediately after birth. There is no need to rush to cut the cord and the benefits the baby receives are tremendous. With ease and support, Kelly made her way upstairs to rinse up and rest in the comfort of her bed while Adam snuggled his newest daughter.

Moments later, the whole family was snuggled in bed and the two older girls were giving sweet kisses to their baby sister. The newborn exam consists of family focused cutting the cord, first latch, practicing breastfeeding, weighing and measuring baby and tons and tons of skin to skin time.

The only way to birth is the way that is right for YOUR family. Sometimes you need to explore that and it takes time to explore your options. Either way, I am here to help answer questions, provide resources and support your healthy and safe birth.