National Midwifery Week 2019
It is 2019’s National Midwifery Week (#NMW2019) and I have spent the last several days looking through some of the most incredible images of midwives walking the journey with birthing families. Reading some of the most empowering, ovary-throbbing and tear-jerking birth stories you could imagine.
Stunning Home Water Birth, Denver, Colorado
Joshua’s birth changed my life. His mama, a doula herself, trusted me very early in my birth photography/videography career to document her story. While I will always be learning, exploring and adjusting my methods and services, I was still so new and not completely sure of my true role in the birth space. With my degree in photography, the camera was my comfort zone - but I was still very much learning the ins and outs of the birth space.
The Best of 2018
Nine female souls and nine male souls took their first breath in my presence this year. The sheer overwhelm of that last sentence just makes my heart explode with joy. This is an honor that I don’t take lightly. One that I hold the utmost respect for. I am forever grateful to you.
Gorgeous Home Birth in Parker, Colorado
Peaceful, calm, and supported home birth of third child in Parker, Colorado.